Monday, November 1, 2010

Social Studies

Marco Polo's Exploration Route

Early Explorers (Viking Ship)

Unit 5 Vocabulary Words - Test Date November 5, 2010

  1. blemish
  2. blunt
  3. capable
  4. conclude
  5. detect
  6. fatigue
  7. festive
  8. hospitality
  9. nomad
  10. persecute
  11. supreme
  12. transport

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #11

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #11

November 1, 2010 to November 5, 2010

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

I hope you and your family had a great Halloween! Thank you very much to everyone who made the Halloween Festival a successful event for everyone.

Today is the Feast Day of All Saints, may we always remember that all of us are called to be saints!

Please note the following:

1. Please be reminded of your Parent-teacher conference time for next week starting on Monday, November 8, 2010. I’m looking forward to talking to you in regards to your child. Before the conference, please reflect on the following questions: What are your child’s strengths (in school, as well as outside of school); What are your child’s weaknesses (What can he or she improve on?) and any particular questions or concerns. We will be discussing your child’s report card and the result of the IOWA testing.

2. It is very important that the students remain on top of their assignments. Please periodically check with your child to make sure that he/she is finishing all assignments. It is also very important to turn in assignments on time.

3. It will be 12:30 PM days starting this Friday, November 5th until Thursday, November 11th due to Parent-teacher conferences. Friday, November 12th is a school holiday commemorating Veteran’s Day.

A week in review:

Vocabulary: Unit 5; Vocabulary Map and Test this Friday, November 5, 2010.

Spelling: none this week due to vocabulary test, will resume again next week

Math: Multiply by Two-digit number and Problem Solving – Use Operation; Quick Check and Cumulative Review; Math Chapter 2 Test on Friday; Starting Chapter 3: Division and Equation

Writing: Creative Writing continues

Grammar: Pronouns continued; starting Adjective; Pronouns test on Thursday (please see below)

Reading: Sign of the Beaver: Celebrations; community map (finishing up to Chapter 20)

Religion: Feast of All Saints, Feast of All Souls, Christian Role Models

Social Studies: Exploration - please study packet for test on Wednesday, November 3, 2010; Marco Polo explorations

Ms. Ronquillo’s Contact Information: (please do not hesitate to contact me)



Pronouns Test: Personal Pronouns pages 22 and 23; reflexive and intensive page 35; subject and subject compliment pages 24, 25, 26; possessive pronouns pages 33 and 34; contractions page 37

Exploration Test (use the packet): review pages 6 and 9; reread through the packet and pay close attention to the parts that are highlighted.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Teach Me!

Students taught the class the following:

1. PB and J sandwich
2. A body bridge
3. A paper claw
4. Leaf rubbing
5. Fortune Teller
6. Paper heart
7. How to play baseball/hold a bat
8. Chocolate chip cookies with nuts
9. Paper airplane
10. Paper sniper
11. Polish your nails
12. Paper star
13. Crane
14. Paper Boat
15. How to add using an Abacus
16. Paper airplane
17. Magic trick
18. Hybrid cars
19. Paper cup
20 How to hang a jacket on a chair
21. Spam Masubi
22. Card house

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #9

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #9

October 18 2010 to October 22, 2010

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

Thank you very much for your generous support of the WFC fundraiser. Our class came in 3rd place! Your generosity is truly appreciated.

Please note the following:

  1. Please cover all textbooks. Some kids still have their books uncovered. Covers protect the books from wear and tear.

  1. For this week, students will have a spelling test, as well as a cumulative (Units 1-4) test for vocabulary.

A week in review:

Vocabulary: Cumulative Test this Friday, October 22, 2010

Spelling: /o/

Math: Chapter 2 Review – Chapter Test on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, Starting Chapter 3: Model the Distributive Property, Multiply by a One-Digit Number, Multiply with Zeros, Problem Solving – Estimated or Exact Answers

Writing: Creative Writing, descriptive paragraph

Grammar: Pronouns continued

Reading: Homes in Nature continues, Chapters 11-16

Religion: Beatitudes and Saints

Social Studies: Chapter – charts on Native Americans and booklet

Ms. Ronquillo’s Contact Information: (please do not hesitate to contact me)



Religion: Research a saint. Use the following link or a book of saints if you have one.

Please find a picture of the saint in the Internet and print it. Attach it on your sheet. If you do not have a printer, please e-mail me the picture and I will print it in class.

Spelling List #4


Cumulative Review Vocabulary

Vocabulary Words

Cumulative Review

  1. blunder
  2. cancel
  3. continuous
  4. distribute
  5. document
  6. fragile
  7. myth
  8. reject
  9. scuffle
  10. solitary
  11. temporary
  12. veteran
  13. abandon
  14. assault
  15. convert
  16. dispute
  17. impressive
  18. justify
  19. misleading
  20. numerous
  21. productive
  22. shrewd
  23. strategy
  24. villain
  1. bluff
  2. cautious
  3. consist
  4. despise
  5. haven
  6. miniature
  7. monarch
  8. obstacle
  9. postpone
  10. straggle
  11. treacherous
  12. vivid
  13. aggressive
  14. associate
  15. deceive
  16. emigrate
  17. flexible
  18. glamour
  19. hazy
  20. linger
  21. luxurious
  22. mishap
  23. overwhelm
  24. span

Monday, October 11, 2010

Classroom Cares

We are pledging to read 250 books as a class and Scholastic will donate books to kids in need! Go fifth grade!

Monday, October 4, 2010

St. Francis of Assisi

Today is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi.

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Spelling List

  1. fifteen
  2. referee
  3. eager
  4. easily
  5. ready
  6. please
  7. ecology
  8. maybe
  9. been
  10. only
  11. universe
  12. future
  13. communicate
  14. beautiful
  15. unusual
  16. cute
  17. cube
  18. fuel
Test date: Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vocabulary Unit 4

Assignment: Vocabulary Collage


Test date: October 15, 2010

Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare

Novel we are reading now!

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #7

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #7

October 4, 2010 to October 7, 2010

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

Happy Monday to all of you! I hope you had a great weekend and ready to start the short week. Please note that there is no school this Friday and Monday. I wish you and your family a great four-day weekend!

Please note the following:

  1. Please cover all textbooks. Some kids still have their books uncovered. Covers protect the books from wear and tear.

  1. It is really important that students manage their time wisely. If a long-term assignment or project is due on Friday, please do not wait until Thursday night to complete it.

  1. The students have switched seats and cleaned desk. It would also be a good idea clean backpacks and binder. Please make sure all corrected papers have been reviewed and removed from the STAR binder. Additionally, all old newsletters should also be recycled.

A week in review:

Vocabulary: Unit 4 (collage) – test date, Friday, October 15, 2010

Spelling: /e/ and /u/ - test this Thursday

Math: Chapter 1 Test this Thursday, Quick Check and Cumulative Review, Expressions and Equations, Write and Evaluate Expressions, and Write and Solve Equations

Writing: Creative Writing

Grammar: Pronouns

Reading: Teach Me Project! Second part of Sign of the Beaver; Bee Research (again students will need Internet access or a trip to the library) – due Thursday

Religion: Religion Test October 5); Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer

Social Studies: Chapter – charts on Native Americans

Ms. Ronquillo’s Contact Information: (please do not hesitate to contact me)



Vocabulary Collage

  1. Create a vocabulary collage of your vocabulary words. Remember, in a collage, your pictures need to be touching each other. (see example in the class blog)
  2. Include at least one picture per word. Also include the definition and part of speech of each word. You may type your words and definitions if you like.
  3. Look through magazines and newspapers for your pictures.
  4. Use the poster paper provided for you.

Due Date: Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome Fifth Graders 2010-2011

I hope you had a great summer! I am very excited about this coming school year. There are many things to look forward to.

This summer I went back to the Philippines. I was born in the Philippines and migrated to the United States when I was twelve years old. It was nice to be back to do some mission work and see the sights! I hope you also had a great adventure this summer.

I am looking to meet each and everyone of you!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stations of the Cross

Reflections on the Stations

1. Jesus is condemned to death.

What can you do when someone treats you badly?

2. Jesus accepts his cross.

What things are difficult for you to deal with? Give one way Jesus helps us.

3. Jesus falls the first time.

What can we do when we make a mistake?

4. Jesus meets his mother.

How can you support and encourage your family members?

5. Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.

What is one selfless action you can do to another person?

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

Give an example of kindness in your daily school routine.

7. Jesus falls the second time.

Have you ever felt like you just want to give up? How can our faith help us when that happens?

8. Jesus meets the women.

Explain how you might comfort someone who is in pain, with the words of Jesus.

9. Jesus falls the third time.

What is adversity? How can we as Catholics overcome it?

10. Jesus is stripped of his clothes.

What things in your life are important to you? How would you feel if you lost everything?

11. Jesus is nailed to the cross.

If a friend of yours was hurt badly by someone else, what would your advice be?

12. Jesus dies on the cross.

Jesus asks us to ‘die to ourselves’. What does that mean?

13. Jesus is taken down from the cross.

How is God’s hand on our lives?

14. Jesus is buried in the tomb.

When everything seems hopeless, what gives you hope?

15. Jesus rises from the dead.

What things in your life cause you to rejoice?

American Revolution Walkthrough

Friday, March 26, 2010
12:15 to 2:24 PM

To the red, white, and blue teams:
Memorize your lines
Prepare your costumes
Make your props
Learn Yankee Doodle
Learn Star Spangled Banner

Know the following:

American Revolution

Events, Famous People, Battles, and Quotes

Who said the following:



“Give me liberty…or give me death”

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“I have not yet begun to fight!”

Declaration of Independence:

What did Thomas Paine publish

Who wrote it?

Who was the oldest signer?

What does it say? (famous line)


“Shot heard around the world”

Turning point of the Revolutionary War

General Washington and his troops almost froze to death

Last major battle

Prewar Events

Taxes on written things

A riot on March 5, 1770, killed 5 people and wounded 6 others

The British ship that crashed offshore and was burned by colonists.

Colonists are told not to move west into Indian territory.

Parliament announces that they are in charge of the Colonies

Colonists are instructed to house British troops in their homes.

Patriots dress as Indians and sneak about 3 British ships.

I warned local people about a British invasion form Boston and shouted, “The Regulars are coming.”

Revolution Events:

President of the Second Continental Congress

Woman who helped design the first American flag

American traitor

What happened on September 3, 1783

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scripture Study

We are studying the following Bible passages:

Genesis 1:2-2:2 (God's creation)

Exodus 14:15 - 15:1 (God saved His People)

Romans 6:3-11 (God's Gift of Eternal Life)

Narrative Story

Name: _______________________________

Narrative Story

  • Sketch and outline 10 points
  • Draft 10 points
  • Title 5 points
  • First Paragraph 20 points

(interesting beginning; where, when, action, character, comment, or dialogue)

  • Middle Paragraph 20 points

(use of transitions)

  • Last Paragraph 20 points

(memorable ending, make sure the reader knows the point of the story, do not use “The End” )

  • Neatness (handwritten or typed) 10 points
  • Correct grammar and spelling 20 points
  • This sheet 5 points
  • Timeliness 10 points

Friday, February 26, 2010

Footsteps to the Cross

Our Lenten Theme: Footsteps to the Cross.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Catholic Identity in STA

Helping Hand

We are pleased to announce that we raised $1,134 for the Haiti Relief Fund. The money was donated to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you very much to the generosity of our students and staff.

Socks and More Socks!

The school was able to collect 542 pairs of socks that were donated to St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Annual Valentine’s Day Sock Drive!

School Faith Families

On March 9th, STA Family will meet to discuss our Lenten Theme. Each family has an 8th grade leader and a representative from each grade. Previous activities were about Good Manners, Thanksgiving, The Gift of Jesus, and Peacemakers.

Liturgical Services

Please join us every Friday of Lent at 8:30 AM for Mass followed by the Stations of the Cross led by the Junior High. I hope you are able to join us!

Teach Me!

In the book, The Sign of the Beaver. Attean and Matt teach each other many things. In this assignment, students are to teach the class something they know how to do well. Here's the list of topics:

How to re-plant a plant
How not to be good at a game
How to cook sponge cake
How to make a fortune teller
How to connect circuits
How cook spaghetti
How to fold a paper airplane
How to make a paper snowflake
How to get a lot of views on youtube
How to make a five pointed star in one cut and how to solve a Rubik's cube
How to make a paper hat
How to make a boat with shades
How to make a box
How to make ham and cheese waffle sandwich
How to take care of a dog
How to make a star
How to train a dog
How to play slide
How to draw a picture
How to make an abacus
How to make a paper airplane
How to use USB connectors
How to make a picture frame
How to make Applesause Delight
How to grow an avocado plant
How to do a leaf rubbing
How to make an oragami star
How to draw a person
How to paint your nails
How to walk and train a dog
How to play volleyball

Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare

We are reading this book!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #20

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #20

January 25, 2010 to January 29, 2010

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

Congratulations to the Spelling Bee finalists – Oceana, Nathan, Daniel, and Tammi. Also, congratulations to the Geography Bee finalists – Nathan and Preston. Great job to Nathan for winning first place and Preston for winning the STA Geography Bee!

Just a reminder to please check with your child if he or she needs new notebooks or other school supplies; some students have ran out of notebook pages for journal and math.

Report cards will be distributed tomorrow. Tuesday, February 26, 2010. Please review and return as soon as possible.

Please fill out the fieldtrip form for AIM Concert and return it as soon as possible.

Please note the following:

  1. MLK writing assignment and poster, due Wednesday, January 27, 2010 (students may type their final draft and attach it to the other half of their portrait).

  1. Poetry Project, please see handout. Due date is Tuesday, February 2, 2010. It is important to encourage the students to work this assignment a little at a time and not to wait until the last minute. Here are some sites:

  1. Test/quizzes this week: chapter test in math and spelling test

A week in review:

Reading: Finishing Poetry, starting The Sign of the Beaver

Religion: Baptism and Confirmation

Math: Chapter 5: Word Problems, Review, Start Chapter 6: Data, Statistics, and Probability, Chapter 5 Test on Thursday

Language Arts: Verbs, Essay on Martin Luther King due Wednesday, Spelling Test List #28 – root words, prefixes, suffixes; Vocabulary Unit 9 – test date Thursday, February 4, 2010, start research project (may involve a trip to the library, more instructions will follow)

Social Studies: Finish Chapter 4: Encounter in the Americas – poster assignment due Friday, starting Chapter 5

Ms. Ronquillo’s Contact Information:

e-mail: blog:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #19

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #19

January 19, 2010 to January 22, 2010

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

I hope you and your family had a restful three-day weekend! Thank you to the families that already turned in their chocolate money. Please continue to turn in the money in the following weeks. Thank you for your generous support of our school.

Please note the following:

  1. Book report project for Hatchet due Wednesday, January 20, 2010. Please see handout for choices.

  1. Poetry Project, please see handout. Due date is Tuesday, February 2, 2010. It is important to encourage the students to work this assignment a little at time and not to wait until the last minute. Here are some sites:

  1. Test/quizzes this week: math, adjectives, and religion.

A week in review:

Reading: Finishing Poetry, starting The Sign of the Beaver

Religion: Baptism and Confirmation; test on Chapter 5 on Friday

Math: Chapter 5: Integers and Absolute Value, Use Models to Add Integers, Add Integers on a Number Line, Use Models to Subtract (Quiz on Thursday)

Language Arts: Adjective test on Wednesday, Essay on Martin Luther King, Vocabulary Units 5-8 Tests this Friday

Social Studies: Finish Chapter 4: Encounter in the Americas – poster assignment

Ms. Ronquillo’s Contact Information:

e-mail: blog:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Vocabulary Words

Learn these words!


website to help you learn these words: - choose blue

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #18

Fifth Grade Weekly Newsletter #18

January 11, 2010 to January 15, 2010

Hello Fifth Grade Families!

Monday, January 18th is a school holiday. This coming Friday is the second round of the Worlds Finest Chocolate sale. Please support this fundraiser. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Please note the following:

  1. Book report project for Hatchet due Wednesday, January 20, 2010. Please see handout for choices.

  1. Poetry Unit for the next 2 weeks. It would be a good idea to go to the library and check out some poetry books and/or go the internet to do some research about different kinds of poetry. Here are some sites:

  1. Vocabulary Collage is due this Friday.

A week in review:

Reading: Book Report for Hatchet, Poetry Unit

Religion: Baptism and Confirmation; role play and group projects in class, fruits of the Holy Spirit Poster

Math: Chapter 5: Metric Units of Length, Metric Units of Mass and Capacity, Add and Subtract Units of Time, Problem Solving Strategy- Make a Table, Review (Quiz on Friday)

Language Arts: Adjective, Essay on Christmas Around the World finish it this week; Vocabulary Unit 8 – test date Friday, January 15 but please start reviewing the words each night, spelling words – prefixes (re, dis, mis, il) – test on Friday, January 15, 2010; start reviewing Adjectives in grammar for test on Friday

Social Studies: Unit 2 – Explorations and Encounters – end of the section questions and end of the chapter questions – review and finishing up the chapter, start Chapter 4: Encounter in the Americas (review Chapter 4 for a test on Friday – may use notes)

Ms. Ronquillo’s Contact Information:

e-mail: blog:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Geography Bee

Congratulations to the fifth grade finalists for the Geography Bee - Nathan and Preston!

The Bee is on January 25, 2010 at 8:30 AM!