Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stations of the Cross

Reflections on the Stations

1. Jesus is condemned to death.

What can you do when someone treats you badly?

2. Jesus accepts his cross.

What things are difficult for you to deal with? Give one way Jesus helps us.

3. Jesus falls the first time.

What can we do when we make a mistake?

4. Jesus meets his mother.

How can you support and encourage your family members?

5. Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.

What is one selfless action you can do to another person?

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

Give an example of kindness in your daily school routine.

7. Jesus falls the second time.

Have you ever felt like you just want to give up? How can our faith help us when that happens?

8. Jesus meets the women.

Explain how you might comfort someone who is in pain, with the words of Jesus.

9. Jesus falls the third time.

What is adversity? How can we as Catholics overcome it?

10. Jesus is stripped of his clothes.

What things in your life are important to you? How would you feel if you lost everything?

11. Jesus is nailed to the cross.

If a friend of yours was hurt badly by someone else, what would your advice be?

12. Jesus dies on the cross.

Jesus asks us to ‘die to ourselves’. What does that mean?

13. Jesus is taken down from the cross.

How is God’s hand on our lives?

14. Jesus is buried in the tomb.

When everything seems hopeless, what gives you hope?

15. Jesus rises from the dead.

What things in your life cause you to rejoice?

American Revolution Walkthrough

Friday, March 26, 2010
12:15 to 2:24 PM

To the red, white, and blue teams:
Memorize your lines
Prepare your costumes
Make your props
Learn Yankee Doodle
Learn Star Spangled Banner

Know the following:

American Revolution

Events, Famous People, Battles, and Quotes

Who said the following:



“Give me liberty…or give me death”

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“I have not yet begun to fight!”

Declaration of Independence:

What did Thomas Paine publish

Who wrote it?

Who was the oldest signer?

What does it say? (famous line)


“Shot heard around the world”

Turning point of the Revolutionary War

General Washington and his troops almost froze to death

Last major battle

Prewar Events

Taxes on written things

A riot on March 5, 1770, killed 5 people and wounded 6 others

The British ship that crashed offshore and was burned by colonists.

Colonists are told not to move west into Indian territory.

Parliament announces that they are in charge of the Colonies

Colonists are instructed to house British troops in their homes.

Patriots dress as Indians and sneak about 3 British ships.

I warned local people about a British invasion form Boston and shouted, “The Regulars are coming.”

Revolution Events:

President of the Second Continental Congress

Woman who helped design the first American flag

American traitor

What happened on September 3, 1783

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scripture Study

We are studying the following Bible passages:

Genesis 1:2-2:2 (God's creation)

Exodus 14:15 - 15:1 (God saved His People)

Romans 6:3-11 (God's Gift of Eternal Life)

Narrative Story

Name: _______________________________

Narrative Story

  • Sketch and outline 10 points
  • Draft 10 points
  • Title 5 points
  • First Paragraph 20 points

(interesting beginning; where, when, action, character, comment, or dialogue)

  • Middle Paragraph 20 points

(use of transitions)

  • Last Paragraph 20 points

(memorable ending, make sure the reader knows the point of the story, do not use “The End” )

  • Neatness (handwritten or typed) 10 points
  • Correct grammar and spelling 20 points
  • This sheet 5 points
  • Timeliness 10 points